3. An optometrist who administers or prescribes medications must refer the patient to a physician if there is no clear and positive improvement within 72 hours of the beginning of the treatment, in the following cases:(1) an infectious ulcer smaller than 1 mm outside of the pupillary zone;
(2) the presence of epithelial dendrites without stromal injury with infiltrate or melting, and without inflammation in the anterior chamber;
(3) corneal infiltrates smaller than 1 mm, with no epithelial defect; and
(4) sectorial inflammation of the episclera, without ischemia or melting.
The optometrist must also refer the patient to a physician in those cases if the condition does not resolve within the accepted or anticipated amount of time, or at the latest, within 7 days of the beginning of the treatment.
An optometrist may not intervene in cases in which the conditions are more serious than those described in the first paragraph.